Friday, August 24, 2007

Part 2 of Belle and Val's Adventures

I left SF on Wednesday, August 22, heading for Phoenix. Arrived in Phoenix around 7 p.m. Nicole and her best friend and roommate, Melissa, greeted me and Belle. When I went into their apartment, there was Roxanne to surprise me. It was great to see them. Spent Wednesday and Thursday in Phoenix and left on Friday headed for San Diego. Unfortunately, left late (noon) so ended up going through the desert mid-day. Very hot. My car started overheating, so I had to drive with the windows down and no a/c. Very, very hot. And as everyone knows, I hate the heat.

Arrived in San Diego around 5:30. Went to Paula and Gary's house. Went to dinner with them at the Cheesecake Factory - delicious. Saturday we all (including Noodles and Belle) headed to Mission Bay. Paula and I went for an hour bike ride and then later on, Belle and I went on a run/walk for an hour. Beautiful day. Met up with Steve late afternoon and went to dinner at the Greek Sombrero - quite a combination - greek and mexican food. Had a great time.

Sunday I joined several women for a champagne brunch - delicious - I had a poached lobster omelet. Umm, umm!!! Met up with Steve and took all the dogs (Steve has 3 - Kona, Bentley (a puggle, who is so cute), and Belle the beagle, to Fiesta Island. Belle wasn't wild about the water, but I did get her in for a brief second.

Monday headed to Coronado Island. Had breakfast on a sidewalk cafe, read the paper, and then headed to the beach. Called Aaron (my former boyfriend here in San Diego). He met me at the beach. He looks good/was great to see him. Had a hankerin' for a fish taco. Went to Pacific Beach to Rubios - delicious. Unfortunately, they did not have lobster tacos - they are seasonal and will not be available until next week. Maybe up in San Francisco????

On Tuesday, spent the day in Balboa Park. Went to the car museum (of course), had lunch, and then went to the Museum of Man and then on the Museum of Natural History which had the Dead Sea Scrolls on exhibit. Very interesting.

On Wednesday, headed up to Cardiff where my friend Clair lives. Had dinner with Clair and her kids. Thursday, headed out for a 25 mile bike ride up 101. Rode from Solana Beach to Carlsbad and back. Beautiful. Then headed back down to East County and met everyone at the La Mesa car show. Had a great time, but when I got back to my car, there was a parking ticket - $35 - very pricing parking tickets here in SD.

Today, just hanging out at Paula's and blogging. Meeting Clair for lunch to head to the Cookie Lee showroom to buy some jewels. Tonight, Steve, me, Kate and Cameo are heading downtown to do some dining and dancing. Tomorrow I have a 2-year-old's birthday party (my friend Jen's son. I haven't even met Justin. I haven't seen Jen in a couple of years). They just bought a house in Lemon Grove with a pool. Should be fun. Then I head back up to Clair's for dinner with her fiance, John, for dinner, and then off to San Francisco to visit Eliza and Jeremy and their new baby, Oliver.

I'll keep posting.


Unknown said...

yum, all of that talk of food is making me very hungry, I hope you find some lobster tacos, if you do make sure to put up a very descriptive post about them. It sounds like you are having a fabulous time. I don't wish you were here - I wish I were there! -Amber

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